MedicCare helps you to find nearest local chemists & ayurvedic stores in your city, you can place orders to chemist in a very unique way.Store list :-You can find nearest chemists from your location & as well navigate.Ping :-It gives you real time information if chemist is open or not.
Order by prescription :-If you are first time user then scan the prescription to order or if you ordered before than select from previous prescription to order.
Order by search products:-If you want to order general products from store than you can also use search product option.
Chat with order :-If you like to ask question regarding ordered items than you can chat with chemists.
Unlimited prescription storage :- If you ever misplaced prescription then you can easily access it from MedicCare app.
Pick & Home Delivery :-You can pick up ordered item from chemist or you can get home delivered.